Electronic car keys, key fobs and other forms of keyless entry have made it easier to protect your investment in any vehicle. That anti-theft technology has been enhanced by increased controls within the vehicle. Automotive transponder technology such as transponder keys are a versatile vehicle anti-theft system because they work as a car immobilizer system.
Transponder key programming is designed to make it impossible to start or move the vehicle. These car key security features are extremely tough to override. Your Dublin CA vehicle investment will be more secure if you can lock and alarm the car from your home or from across the parking lot. Should a thief get inside the vehicle, it will remain immobile without the chipped key.
What Are Transponder Keys?
A transponder or chipped key looks a lot like a traditional car key. These keys contain a microchip that communicates directly with the ECU or Engine Control Unit. The ECU transmits a great deal of information and sends more data than just security.
Those who drive a hybrid may be surprised to find out that a partial or incomplete message from the ECU to the vehicle in motion may mean that the hybrid feature doesn’t work. A failed transponder or chipped key should send a message to your warning lights. It may trigger your car’s alarm at moments when you don’t want it on!
If you notice odd electric activities while driving, it could be that your key has been damaged. Your chipped key may simply be suffering a failing battery. Your ECU unit may be failing. You can switch over to your spare key to see if these problems go away and get a replacement key made and programmed.
Transponder or chipped keys have actually been in use for more than thirty years. The technology they’re based on has become more sleek and streamlined over time. One of the big challenges that drivers face around these technologies is that, if they fail, they can render a mechanically sound vehicle undriveable.
The answer is to act quickly. As soon as you notice a drop of range in your key fob locking or unlocking your car, get the battery changed. If you drop your fob, transponder or smart key in your coffee cup, use your spare and reach out to an expert. While traditional keys are pretty rugged, electronic key security features can be more susceptible to damage and need careful handling. Using this technology is clearly safer than dealing with a vehicle that can easily be stolen from in front of your Dublin CA home.
How Do Transponder Keys Work?
Communication Mechanism
When you put your transponder key into the ignition, the chip sends a specific code to the ECU. When the ECU recognizes the code, the engine can start. This connection between transponder key and ECU is immediate and these mechanisms are quite consistent. Your vehicle will give you signals if there’s any problem between these two features of your vehicle; it’s critical that you act as soon as you see these signals.
Security Protocols
The ECU that is synced to your transponder key communicates with many other systems in the car. There are also many ECUs at work in your car as you travel, but your transponder or chipped key is designed to work specifically with the main unit in charge of your engine.
If someone tries to steal your car by damaging the ignition, the ECU connection is likely rendered inoperable. Even if they can make the right electronic connections to start the car, the ECU won’t get the message. Your functioning fob or chipped key is the only way to start the vehicle. To that end, it’s critical that your maintenance schedule include installing updates to your vehicle’s computer system as directed by your service center.
Advantages of Transponder or Chipped Keys
Enhanced Vehicle Security
There was a time when hot-wiring a vehicle was pretty easy; as long as you got the right wires connected, you could get the engine to turn over and fire up without a key. Transponder or chipped keys make this impossible.
Traditional metal car keys were easy and cheap to duplicate. If you purchase an older classic car in Dublin CA that comes with one metal key for the door lock and one for the ignition, your first step should be to reach out to a locksmith and get the door lock changed so you’re the only one with access to the inside of the vehicle. A new ignition mechanism and a unique ignition key is also a wise choice.
Convenience Features
The transponder or chipped key just makes driving more convenient. You may have a fob that will allow you to lock the car from a distance. If you’re approaching your car after dark or in an eerie parking garage, features that are paired with chipped keys can allow you to quickly open the driver’s door, get inside, secure the vehicle and drive off with the push of a button.
Reduction in Insurance Premiums
In the event that you purchase a new or used vehicle, you’re going to have to let your insurance know. If that new vehicle has a transponder or chipped key, you may be able to get a break on the cost of insurance.
Common Issues and Solutions
Key Damage or Loss
If your key is damaged by dirt, water or pressure, the chip may not work. If the transponder chip key doesn’t send a complete message, the car
- may not start at all
- might show a dashboard warning light
- could start blasting the alarm
- may not engage all features of the car
That last point is especially concerning because you may not realize there’s a problem until a significant feature of your car. The ECU in your transponder or chipped key system sends very detailed messages to your vehicle. If you’re driving a hybrid and your key is not programmed for a hybrid, the hybrid features, such as the braking power going back to the batteries, may not function.
New cars come with a spare key. As soon as you notice that your regular key isn’t engaging fully, rely on the spare and get a replacement key made immediately. A skilled locksmith can come to your home or workplace and provide you with a fully programmed key.
Reprogramming Needs
Even if your key isn’t damaged by any obviously factors, your ECU may become faulty or eventually need replacing. In these cases, you’ll need two new keys to communicate effectively with your vehicle. If the garage doing the ECU replacement can’t provide you with new keys, you’ll need a locksmith to reprogram your existing keys or create new ones.
The Role of Professional Locksmiths
Your transponder or chipped key has a battery. If your key battery is failing or has suffered some sort of damage, your car will let you know with a key image or warning light on the dash. You can also assume a problem with the chipped key if your alarm suddenly goes off.
It used to be easier to steal a car without a key. You could also go to almost any hardware store and duplicate plain metal keys. Modern key fobs and transponder or chipped keys make stealing your car much harder. Replacing your key also requires more expertise.
As soon as you notice that your transponder or chipped key is starting to show signs of poor or inconsistent connection, call a locksmith to your location. It’s possible that your dealership may be able to help, but they will need you to bring the car to their location and that may include a towing fee.
Future Trends in Automotive Key Technology
The basics of transponder key programming are contributing to new vehicle safety and security features. Electronic car keys that will quickly open the driver’s door of your vehicle as you approach it lower risks and hazards in parking lots and parking garages.
Once you’re inside the vehicle, the option to personalize your seat position and temperature requirements add to your comfort. Additional personalized security features, such as biometric systems, reduce the risk of having your vehicle stolen.
Even if someone else can get into your car, they won’t be able to start it without the transponder key. Should a potential thief have the time to drill the ignition, damage to the receptor chip inside that unit will likely still render the vehicle immobile and impossible to start.
Vehicle tracking features are also adding to the security of your household and your vehicle. If you’re the parent of a teenager, being able to track their travels will increase your comfort as they build confidence as a driver.
By combining biometric features and tracking, you can customize your tracking choices. Regular trips from work to grocery store to home can probably be assumed to be safe, but if a driver is going far off the beaten path, they may be in danger from a passenger or even a car-jacking.
If your vehicle is a recent build, it likely has the option of getting a transponder or chipped key. This vehicle safety and security tool makes it almost impossible to steal your vehicle. In the event that your key ring is lost and your vehicle is stolen, it can likely be tracked easily. In the event of lost or stolen keys, carefully consider what other keys are on your keyring and report your missing keys appropriately.